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Get back to what you love.
Return to running post-baby pain and symptom-free. 

Strong Running Mama

-Katie Follett, professional runner

"The Strong Running Mama program has been incredibly valuable in my postpartum journey! I have been a lifelong runner, but after giving birth I felt uncertain what movements were "safe". I wanted to rebuild a strong foundation and prevent injury as I increased duration and intensity in my running. I participated in the Strong Core Mama and Strong Running Mama programs postpartum. I am currently four months post-birth and running pain free! I also feel confident in how to "scale-up" or "scale-back" exercises to make them more or less challenging. So helpful! I would strongly recommend this program to every mom who loves to run."

"I am currently four months post-birth and running pain free! I also feel confident in how to "scale-up" or "scale-back" exercises to make them more or less challenging. So helpful!"

You want to return to running with complete confidence in your body’s strength.

You love high-impact exercise but don’t know how to safely return to it. 

You want to return to running leak free, pain free, and symptom free. 

You’re eager to get back to the activity level you loved before baby.

You’re a perfect fit if: 

Grab it here for free!

Download the return to running checklist that Dr. Anna has used with each of her hundreds of mama runners.

Want to get back to running but not sure if you’re ready?

Start Today

Strong Running Mama is based on Dr. Anna’s treatment of hundreds of athletes in the physical therapy clinic!

As a passionate runner and racer, Dr. Anna understands the strong urge to return to running. She will help you get back to it safely. The challenging progression of the course allows you to build momentum while remaining attuned to your body and avoiding setbacks by injury. By the end of your journey you will have returned to the active lifestyle you love. We advise that postpartum moms build a basic core and pelvic floor foundation with the Strong Core Mama Program (or with an in-person pelvic floor physical therapist) before starting this program.

Please reach out to Dr. Anna if you have questions about where to start! Strong Running Mama provides you a clear, safe path to return to running and other high impact exercise with confidence.

Throughout the program you will be educated on proper run form and mechanics and which exercises to prioritize.

Strong Running Mama teaches you the most important exercises needed in order to return to high-impact movement safely and avoid setbacks or injuries.

You’ll be connected to other active moms in the Strong Running Mama community and have the ability to ask Dr. Anna questions. Whether you have a specific question or need encouragement or accountability, your community is there for you.

Help is just a click away

Personalized support

Dr. Anna has structured the classes to purposefully move you to a full return to activity. One small step at a time will lead to your ultimate goals. Dr. Anna emphasizes listening to your body and tuning into the specific areas that need the most strengthening to move you forward. You will stay injury-free through the intentional progress built into the course structure. 

Bite-size goals that lead to massive payoffs

Intentional progression

Each of the classes features 5 different exercises including a dynamic warm up, single leg and hip strength training, core and pelvic floor strengthening, and a mobility exercise. All essential running muscles are addressed to prevent injuries.

Protect your body with carefully structured classes 

Injury Prevention

A return to running checklist and specific guidance on walk / run progression provide a clear path forward. Dr. Anna provides you all the resources you need to build up to running again. Dr. Anna’s experience as a mama runner combined with her clinical practice means you get the perspective of a mama who loves running and the expertise of a physical therapist. The course will educate you on the importance of proper running form after having a baby and how to avoid common mistakes that postpartum runners make. You will feel confident and encouraged in your running comeback.

Guided journey with education focus

No decision fatigue

You set your own schedule with guidance from Dr. Anna. You can complete all the classes from your own home with no special equipment. No appointments or travel needed to access the virtual classes. Whether you want to push a stroller on a run or train for a race, Strong Running Mama will get you there!

Unlimited, stress-free access

Hassle-free schedule and format

Strong Running Mama consists of strength training and continued development of a strong pelvic floor and core post-kids. This foundation allows you to get back to the high impact movement you loved before baby, whether that’s running, cross-fit, high-intensity training, or something else! Rediscover the joy of movement both confidently and safely. 

Get back to the exercise you love

Freedom to move

What's Included?

Return to run checklist and running plan

Comprehensive running muscle conditioning

Proper running form and mechanics post-kid

Single leg strength and stability to stay injury-free

Core and pelvic floor strength to support running

Course Focal Points:

Try a free 3-day "test run!"

not ready yet?

cancel any time

Strong Running Mama - $57 / month

INvest in a healthy future!

  • Returning to your favorite activity quickly and safely?
  • Regaining the freedom and confidence that comes with running?
  • Preventing being sidelined by injury in the future?

Save hundreds of dollars by safely returning to exercise.

What is the Value of...

-Laurel Abbott

"She has been very helpful in helping me problem-solve my postpartum back pain and offered much encouragement and helped me to become confident again as a Mama runner! Program targeted the areas I needed to strengthen: glutes and core, etc."

"Anna had fantastic instructions for the exercises, very motivating, and targeted the right muscles."

Each class should take between 20-25 minutes in total depending on how many reps and sets you do and how many rest breaks you take. I encourage every mom to go through each class at least twice per week to experience results. Once enrolled, you will be instructed on specifics of how to progress through the program to maximize your progress and success.

How much time will this program take weekly?

YES! I am a certified Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist with experience treating hundreds of women with pelvic floor issues. But this program is designed to build off of Strong Core Mama which is the program that directly addresses more of pelvic floor and core dysfunction through exercise and education. The Strong Running Mama builds off those foundational concepts to get moms back to running safely!

Does this program address pelvic floor dysfunction & diastasis recti?

NO! You can be a runner of any level. I’ve had moms who are doing their first couch to 5k and then I have moms who are training for the Olympic trials! Because there is no running in the program (just instruction on running!) you can be at any level. 

Do I have to be a hardcore runner?

YES! During pregnancy we all go through a lot of physiological changes so restoring neutral body alignment through exercise is very necessary. Both c-section and vaginal deliveries undergo severe core and pelvic floor weakness so both will benefit from the brain-body strength exercises instructed throughout the program. I understand personally the recovery of an unplanned c-section recovery. I’ve worked with hundreds of moms who have had both types of deliveries.    

Can both c-section and vaginal delivery moms participate?

NO! It is never too late to make progress on your core and pelvic floor and to build back your running. I have moms 10-20+ years out who are doing the course for the first time, and they are amazed by the outcomes that they see!

Do I have to be a newborn mom to be able to participate in this program?

Any mom with postpartum OB clearance. We strongly recommend that all moms who participate in Strong Running Mama have done 1-2 months of Strong Core Mama (or have done Pelvic Floor PT.)

Who can participate in Strong Running Mama Programs?

Frequently Asked Questions about our program

Pregnant? In pain and uncomfortable? Find modified exercises to alleviate pain and stay strong. 

Strong Expecting Mama

Tired of pelvic floor and core weakness? Ready to rebuild?

Strong Core 

Explore our other programs

Did you just have a baby? Get safe exercises to promote healing.

Strong Healing 

6 weeks - 6+ years postpartum

0-9 months pregnant

2-8 weeks postpartum