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Pregnancy does not have to be painful. 

Strengthen your core and pelvic floor in pregnancy to help with both labor and postpartum.

Strong Expecting Mama

- Heidi Calmus, AKA Mrs. Dude Dad

“I’ve loved learning how my core and pelvic floor play a crucial role in my everyday activities as a mom, and Anna’s program has not only helped me strengthen these muscle groups, but has also provided the foundational education to how these muscle groups work together, helping me with brain and body connection, and teaching me how to prevent any further damage, especially in pregnancy. She is also extremely responsive making me feel comfortable to ask questions for such a vulnerable topic.”

“I’ve loved learning how my core and pelvic floor play a crucial role in my everyday activities as a mom"

You want to build a strong foundation during pregnancy for a smooth postpartum recovery.

You are experiencing pain and discomfort while pregnant and don’t know how to alleviate it.

You want to minimize pelvic floor symptoms and other pregnancy conditions like diastasis recti.

You want to prepare your pelvic floor for labor using evidence-based exercises.

You want to strengthen your body during pregnancy but aren’t sure how.

You’re a perfect fit if: 

Want the 3 best exercises for pregnancy?

Dr. Anna gives these exact exercises in the PT clinic to help alleviate pregnancy pain and discomfort.

Grab it here for free!

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Strong Expecting Mama was developed through Dr. Anna’s experience healing hundreds of pregnant patients in person in the physical therapy clinic!

You can reduce, and even eliminate, common pregnancy woes through intentional movement modified specifically for pregnancy. Pregnancy causes dramatic physiological changes in your body. You can minimize the symptoms and pain associated with those changes through this program. Birthing a baby is also very demanding on your body, and preparing your pelvic floor can dramatically help during labor. Promote a healthy delivery and smooth postpartum recovery by strengthening the correct muscles throughout pregnancy. 

Education is at the forefront of this program so you won’t find yourself saying, “I wish I would have known this sooner!”

Strong Expecting Mama equips women during pregnancy, and prepares you for delivery and postpartum.

You’ll have access to a supportive group of pregnant mamas just like you through the Strong Expecting Mama community. Experience encouragement and accountability as you set the foundation for a strong motherhood journey. Dr. Anna can also answer your individual questions on exercises. You will be surrounded and supported as you progress through your pregnancy.  

Help is just a click away

Personalized support

First and foremost, Strong Expecting Mama is a physical therapy prehab program. Even if you are not yet experiencing symptoms, you are building the foundation for the rest of your life as a mama. You will gain strength in your deep core, glutes, and hips, which will help you during the delivery process and will also promote a smooth postpartum recovery.

Not just a workout

Physical therapy focus

You won’t have to waste time worrying if the exercises are safe or how to modify them for your pregnancy stage. Dr. Anna guides you through modified, evidence-based movements that are safe for expecting mamas. Protect and strengthen your core and pelvic floor through evidence-based rehab exercises. 

Pregnancy specific exercises

Confidence and safety

The online format gives you freedom and flexibility. You choose when and where you complete your 15-20 minute classes. Whether you choose to complete a class 2 times a week or 5 times, sessions will lead to real relief and progress. 

Simple and straightforward classes on your schedule

Effortless access

You will learn about physiological changes during pregnancy and safe movement throughout the course. Strength alone isn’t enough to equip you for the journey of motherhood. Learning about how your body is changing as you also strengthen it will not only help you feel peace of mind but also help you prepare for delivery. The course includes a section specifically designed with exercises to prep for labor.

Education-first approach enables you to confidently move and strengthen your body

Peace of mind

You don’t have to accept pain in pregnancy as normal. Strong Expecting Mama provides real solutions through movement and education to mitigate and solve pregnancy pain and discomfort. 

Pregnancy DOES NOT have to be painful!

Relief from pregnancy pain and discomfort

What's Included?

Building a healthy postpartum foundation

Prevent and eliminate pelvic floor symptoms

Prevent and alleviate pregnancy pain

Strengthening your deep core safely

Maintaining healthy pelvic floor

Proper muscle group contraction

Labor prep exercises and education

Correct breathing as baby grows

Good pregnancy posture

Course Focal Points:

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Strong Expecting Mama - $65 /month

INvest in a healthy future!

  • Enjoying your pregnancy pain-free?
  • A better labor and delivery experience?
  • A healthier, smoother postpartum recovery?

Save hundreds of dollars by staying strong and pain-free while pregnant.

What is the Value of...

-Caroline E.G.

“In my second pregnancy I experienced a lot of discomfort and lower back pain, so when I got pregnant with my third child, I knew I wanted to do things differently.
Dr. Anna helped me minimize back pain by teaching me pregnancy-safe exercises to maintain my core strength. I am so grateful for the knowledge and skills she equipped me with to help me have a much more comfortable pregnancy!”

 "I am so grateful for the knowledge and skills she equipped me with to help me have a much more comfortable pregnancy!”

Each class should take between 15-20 minutes in total depending on how many reps, sets and rest breaks you take. I encourage every mom to go through each class at least twice per week to experience results. Once enrolled, you will be instructed on specifics of how to progress through the program to maximize your progress and success.

How much time will this program take weekly?

YES! The entire program uses evidence-based methods to prevent and minimize severe diastasis recti. Each class emphasizes strengthening your core in order to prevent loss of function of your abs while also protecting your pelvic floor. A common pitfall of many “mom tummy” programs is that they don’t take into account the pelvic floor and how it should properly be working alongside the core in order to heal diastasis recti. Then I end up seeing these patients in the clinic because they now have pelvic floor issues caused by these types of programs. Seeing this so often is one of the major reasons I wanted to create this program!

Does this program address diastasis recti?

YES! Our program is designed to address pelvic floor dysfunction through exercise and education. I am a certified pelvic floor physical therapist with experience treating hundreds of women with pelvic floor issues.

Does this program address pelvic floor dysfunction?

YES! During pregnancy we all go through a lot of physiological changes so addressing neutral body alignment through exercise is very necessary. Both c-section and vaginal deliveries undergo severe core and pelvic floor weakness so both will benefit from the brain-body strength exercises instructed throughout the program. Even for planned c-sections, this course can help you prepare by strengthening your core and making it easier to rebuild core activation postpartum. 

Can both planned c-section and vaginal delivery moms participate?

Any woman who is trying to conceive or who is already pregnant. You can start this program at any time during your first, second, or third trimester! 

Who can participate in Strong Expecting Mama Program?

Frequently Asked Questions about our program

Ready to run? Get back to running or high impact exercise.

Strong Running 

Tired of pelvic floor and core weakness? Ready to rebuild?

Strong Core 

Explore our other programs

Did you just have a baby? Get safe exercises to promote healing.

Strong Healing 

12 weeks - 12+ years postpartum

2-8 weeks postpartum

6 weeks - 6+ years postpartum